Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Text Message Spam & Federal Contracting Transparency: June 16, 2008

The House was not in session yesterday, they will return to work today. On the Senate side, here is a bill introduced by Sen. Smith that I greatly appreciate:

By Mr. SMITH (for himself, Mr. NELSON of Florida, Mr. PRYOR, and Ms. SNOWE):
S. 3138. A bill to prohibit text message spam; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Source: GPO [S5657]

Since the House was out, here is another bill from the Senate. Will need to look at details on how it would work, but it is to increase accountability and transparency of contracting process within Federal Government.

S. 3139. A bill to provide for greater accountability and transparency in the Federal contracting process, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Source: GPO [S5657]

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