Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hill Watching, May 13th, 2008 - Sex Crimes on Kids & Foreign Language/Culture for Military

In the Senate today, a strong bill by Senator Grassley:

By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Mr. KYL, and Mr. VITTER):
S. 3014. A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to strengthen penalties for child pornography offenses, child sex trafficking offenses, and other sexual offenses committed against children; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Source GPO: [S4106]

Pretty creative bill by Rep. Giffords, the second part of bill especially seems like good idea to me:

By Ms. GIFFORDS (for herself, Ms. SHEA-PORTER, and Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia):
H.R. 6037. A bill to amend titles 10 and 37, United States Code, to create the position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Irregular Warfare, Cultural Training, and Social Science Initiatives and to authorize a new skill incentive pay and proficiency bonus to encourage members of the Armed Forces to train in critical foreign languages and foreign cultural studies; to the Committee on Armed Services. Source GPO: [H3776]

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