Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Getting Money Back from Iraq & Family Members of Aliens in Military: September 8, 2008

Members came back yesterday and Congress started back up for a busy 3 week run until next break.

In the Senate, a couple interesting bills that will likely be controversial. The 1st bill calls for pulling back funds appropriated to rebuild Iraq. There have been many reports of enormous surpluses in Iraq, which probably led to this bill being introduced.

The 2nd bill calls for adjusting status of family members of aliens fighting for the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan. I personally feel that any person who volunteers to fight for our country and serve in our military deserves all we can give to them and their family.

S. 3450. A bill to provide for the rescission of funds made available for fiscal year 2009 for Iraq reconstruction; to the Committee on Appropriations. Source: GPO [S8130]

S. 3453. A bill to authorize the adjustment of status for immediate family members of aliens who served honorably in the Armed Forces of the United States during the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Source: GPO [S8131]

Nothing to report from the House from yesterday. Unfortunately, our country lost Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Democrat from Ohio's 11th District over the summer recess, so the House spent parts of the day paying tribute. Always sad to lose someone who spent their life serving the public, regardless of party affiliation.

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