Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pollock Municipal Airport, WWII Vets in Philippines & Broad Energy National Security: September 15, 2008

No bills of note introduced in the Senate yesterday, but here are a few in the House. The first two bills demonstrate how local and targeted some can be in the House, while the third bill is a broad and wide-ranging one dealing with energy and national security.

This first bill deals with a local issue and I'm curious to know how the folks in Pollock, LA like the idea of having their municipal airport being closed down.

H.R. 6891. A bill to authorize the closure of a municipal airport in Pollock, Louisiana, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Source: GPO [H8127]

The next bill is quite targeted, dealing with veterans who served in the Philippines during WWII:

H.R. 6897. A bill to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to make certain payments to eligible persons who served in the Philippines during World War II; to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Source: GPO [H8127]

The final piece of legislation is a broad, over-arching energy bill aimed at improving national security through energy policy decisions:

By Mr. RAHALL (D-WV)(for himself, Mr. GENE GREEN (D-TX), Mr. GEORGE MILLER (D-CA), and Mr. DINGELL (D-MI)):
H.R. 6899. A bill to advance the national security interests of the United States by reducing its dependency on oil through renewable and clean, alternative fuel technologies while building a bridge to the future through expanded access to Federal oil and natural gas resources, revising the relationship between the oil and gas industry and the consumers who own those resources and deserve a fair return from the development of publicly owned oil and gas, ending tax subsidies for large oil and gas companies, and facilitating energy efficiencies in the building, housing, and transportation sectors, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Natural Resources, and in addition to the Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, Oversight and Government Reform, the Judiciary, Financial Services, Transportation and Infrastructure, the Budget, Rules, Science and Technology, and Foreign Affairs, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. Source: GPO [H8127]

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